Help! Cant find it anywhere or remember the name!

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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Help! Cant find it anywhere or remember the name!

Post by BenMD »

I really need help with this one! :cry: I remember it was an old game that was like a board game and you had to go around a big green and blue map with trails with little blocks one was red and one was black and sometimes you got robbed. if you crossed paths with another player you could fight them for gold and occasionally if you didn't die before the end there was a big dark castle at the end. there was probably other stuff i cant remember but i used to play it with my best friend when i was around 6.

any help would be appreciated! :laugh:

Your old board game...

Post by semper03 »

I think you are talking about "Dark Castle." That is the game where you travel arounf the board fighting others trading at the Bazar, finding different keys and eventually going into the dark castle. The game was half electronic and half manual. I think I remember there being a pegusis as well. Let me know if that is what you are thinking of. Don't try finding it on the internet. It is nearly impossible, that is how I found this site.
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