o those are fun lol uhm yeah the title pretty much says it . I need to get rid of my daily boredom with some simple typable games on my calc..... those are fun k thanxz
You want to make your own games to play on a calculator?!
Okay well, if you want games to play on a calculator ... try this site: http://www.ticalc.org
To make your own games for a calculator, you'll need to learn a programming language like Basic or Assembly ... However, if you just want to make games to play on your own PC and to give to other people ... try GameMaker: http://www.gamemaker.nl
Owner / Webmaster of DOSGames.com for over 20 years
I never knew you could make a game on your calculator! I bought this calculator for almost 200.00! The thing does everything but dishes! However, it is just lying there collecting dust now and was so frustrating trying to make it work, which is why it is collecting dust...LOL...but now...I may actually HAVE a use for it...Thanks for the information! I'll check out the link, may as well get some use out of my calc...lol.