Pinball Fantasies - Problems even using DosBox

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Pinball Fantasies - Problems even using DosBox

Post by SkyHigh »

Hi all

I used to play PFantasies some years ago at a friend's place, he had an original copy of the game and we used to play for hours. Now I have Dos Box working and i can play Pinball Fantasies again but there are some problems
1. The game is slower then before and i can't solve it.
2. I have a very fast computer but when i set the music quality to Maximum or Very High i can't play 'cause the music sounds like a scratched vinyl.
3. The most serious problem of all: Graphic problems! The ball disappears or gets almost invisible when it reaches the lower flippers zone, at the bottom of all tables. I missed lots of balls because I stop seeing the ball! :o( How can I solve this?!
Please, help me! :o(
- SkyHigh
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Post by Dosser »

If the game is too slow, hit Ctrl-F12 a few times until it is good again. If it is too fast, Ctrl-F11 is your friend :D

As for music problems, AFAIK that is always a problem with DOSbox. Most DOS games have relatively poor music anyway, but I have noticed music quality is inversely proportional to CPU cycles (the things you fiddle with using Ctrl-F11 / Ctrl-F12).

Not sure why the ball keeps disappearing though. Maybe it's a bug in the game?
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Post by SkyHigh »

I don't know if it's a bug in the game, because I downloadad a demo version from the net with just the Party Land table, and the balls disappears in the demo too... Weird.
If someone has a good version of the game, and could send it to me, i'd be most thankful.
- SkyHigh
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