Need help! Darklands wont run

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Need help! Darklands wont run

Post by dissevered »

First off, just wanna say hello, Im new here :)

Second... I installed Darklands (rare game, not sure if anyone here heard of it) and it wouldnt run. Had EMS problems. So I looked online and found a site that told me to go to the darkland.exe/properties and max out all of the numbers in the memory tab. Still wouldnt run, new error was as follows:

Darklands requires 577k of conventional memory, your machine has only 572k, you need to free up 4k

The instructions i read also told me to change my program properties in the exe to run off of its own autoexec.nt and config.nt which I copied and pasted into the darkland folder... said to do some editing there but Kinda got lost at that part.

Anyway I still get the same error for conventional memory... Any ideas?

Edit: oh, also, ive never understood this in the past, but in config set up for the game, what is Speech address, Speech IRQ, and Speech DRQ??? what should they be set at?

Thanks a bunch in advance
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Post by dosraider »

Don't know darklands, but it sounds as a pure dosgame, and also it seems you are on Xp.
Give dosbox a try.
Open dosbox.conf in your dosbox start item look for :

# xms -- Enable XMS support.
# ems -- Enable EMS support.


In you game dir look for :
or ingame in "options"
something as that,run it and set:

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