Hi there
Please help I am desperately seeking a game.
I don't know what it is called but I will try to explain what it was about. I had a game on an old computer of mine and this game runned off dos.
It had a round yellow or red face almost like pac man. You had to get through the different stages (there were quite a lot of levels). As you go up a stage it gets more difficult. You also had bombs which you could move and some stages had quite a lot of them. If the bombs where on top of one other and you moved one the top one would fall on you if you didn't move away fast enough and you would explode.
But you had to move these bombs to get to the next level. These bomb where also silver and in the middle had strip of yellow or red glow to it. You could also (kind of lay a bomb) but you had to move fast away once you laid it.
There were also red scissors which would follow you some where closed in a area but in order to go through you had to free them which they would then chase you. If they caught you it would explode. You had to use your brain in order to get to the next round and I really enjoyed it unfortunately I can not remember the name of the game as it is quite a few years back.
I hope you can help me if not please let me know of someone who will be able to help me.
Thank you for your time.
South Africa