What is a directory?

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What is a directory?

Post by guest »

When installing the wolfenstein 3D game it asks for a directory and I have no clue what that is. Will someone please help me.

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Post by dosraider »

Directory = Folder .

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Post by GameMaster.EXE »

Here's my best explanation:

Let's say you had your game's executable file (lets assume its called wolf3D I don't know it's real name) in a folder called Wolfenstein3D which is in another folder called Games which is in the C drive. So the directory path for the Wolf3D.EXE would be: C:\GAMES\WOLFENSTEIN3D\WOLF3D.EXE

If you don't get it here's another example:

Suppose you had the game Doom and you wanted to play it through DOS. Like above, the executable file, DOOM.EXE, is in a folder called Doom which is in a folder called Games which is in the C drive. Here's how to access it with a DOS prompt:




(press enter after each one)

And you should be able to play Doom.

What you enter at a DOS prompt to run a program is really the directory path.

I'm not an expert on DOS so if I made a mistake somwhere, correct me.
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Post by CatWoman55 »

What's a folder??? :jester:

What is DOS??? :devil:
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Post by 486 player »

In installation, if the path is fine, just press Enter, otherwise keep Backspace on bottom and then type a better one. (Éxample: \games\wolf3d )


cd games
cd wolf3d


cd games\wolf3d

NO Windows, NO DOSBox, DOS!
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Post by Gamer_V »

If you're serious, Catwoman, please, go away, so I can cry.
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robhofen wrote:no warcraft is a rip off of age of empires and so are a lot of other games
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Post by CatWoman55 »


Sometimes it helps to pay attention to the emoticons.... :rolleyes:
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