The entire LOTR series (there was once a time, believe it or not, when reading this entire series counted you as a litery master. Not now, though. I read in fourth grade)
Yes, I know the feeling....the days when it wasn't related to Harry Potter at all, the days when it was a good story that took a month to read, when your teacher didn't beleive you could read it but you proved her wrong, *sigh* yeah, those were the days.
BTW, if you're in Kindergarten or something, my favorite books were Hank, the Cowdog! They're funny.
BTW, did any of you have to do that Accelerated Reader thing? That was horrible! It took all the fun out of reading books, cause they made you do tests on them afterward.
Oh yeah, and A Wrinkle In Time was good when I read it the first time. It got pretty repetetive after time #1 though.