DOSshell package, space game consolish

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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DOSshell package, space game consolish

Post by masumix »

I hunted for it in the previous threads but coulf not find it. It was a space trading/exploration(?) game that came packaged with various other games(memorably was Banaoid and Chess)

It was green, I believe that there was a map int eh upper right hand corner, and you had readouts showing the nearest planets/starsystems you had to buy and sell goods to buy more fuel to make longer jumps ; you were pretty limited in what you could do, I dont remember there being any sort of combat, but you had the option to 'jettisson' your cargo...

Anyway, this game from a canadian store, circa 1985ish, 386, deffinately dos maybe 3.1??
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