Nostalgic guy desperately seeking old DOS game

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Nostalgic guy desperately seeking old DOS game

Post by kirezaid »

What's up everybody, if anyone could help me that would be swell;looking for an old DOS game that was about nuclear warfare, but in a cartoonish, and satirical way, and you could choose between ronald reagan, khomeni, thatcher, gandhi, and such... Thanx a million
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Post by jmmijo »

Boy that sounds like the video from Genesis, Land of Confusion :D

Was there a game based on that ?!?

EDIT: I did some research and I did remember a game that maybe the one your thinking of, Mega Lo Mania by Sensible Software.
Suck it down!
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Post by Dosser »

I'd be interested if anyone knows of a working version of that game.

(start violins :D)
I bought it as part of a compilation CD years ago but it never worked. Finally got it on Sega Mega drive, but it wasn't the same.
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Post by kirezaid »

Whats up guys, thanks for looking but thats not it , it's not Mega Lo Mania, it's about nuclear warfare, strategy, but you can choose different current ( inthe 80's -90's)characters, for instance, whenever you would choose Ghandhi, he would only use propaganda to increase his power , and so forth it's hard to explain, but i'm tryin !!!! The political figures are cartooned, i'll keep looking but thanx again.
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