Is there a utility to speed up DOS games. I need a utility like slomo that speeds up games instead of slowing them. Game im having trouble with: The Lost Vikings.
Things I tried:
1) I tried to use Moslo and puting a big percent like 150% - hehehe ye i know. It doesnt work
2) Played around in DOSBOX - I dont know wtf i did - still doesnt work.
Anyone know of a Utility to speed up games?
Utility to Speed up games
Utility to Speed up games
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There are more than one kind of utility for speeding up games. The most popular and easier to use is Sppedset. You can download it here, at the underdogs or elsewhere. It's better than other speedup utility because it can run under windows or dos and can be use to either speed-up games or slow down games. Multi-purpose, you can't ask for more.
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