Kyrandia 3

Post problems with getting games installed and running properly here.

Kyrandia 3

Post by Hylic »

I have an image file of the game (.mdf .mds), i mounted the image file, ran the setup selected soundblaster for my soundcard, it then said it was going to check my video benchmarks but was unable to do when i tried to run the game (using Dosbox) it tells me that it can't find .CFG file or player.ini and that i should run setup, which i tried and doesn't seem to do anything.

i also tried downloading the game from HOTU, and extracting all the files to the same directory that i installed it from the image (full game), and
i can get it to work by running the EMU2 program included to set the drive as drive D:, but without sound, or audio, if i try running main.exe directly, or through "VDLSound.exe" it tells me that "a CD Rom device manager is needed to run the game".

Is there a way that i can either get the image file to work, or to get the version from HOTU to work with sound (if i can at least get the Audio files from the "Image" and use those for the HOTU version.)

Any help would be appreciated.

Post by Hylic »

Right, now when i run Main.exe, i tells me that it "cannot get sound card settings" and then loads the game with out sound, when i try it with VDLSound (run with CDLSound (from windows, right click) it tells me that "A cd rom device manager is needed to run kyrandia 3".

Post by Guest »

I can help you with the cd rom problem. You see in the Advanced Vdmsound options in COMPATIBILITY bookmark you can see something like enable low cd rom support and check this field. That way it will enable Cd Rom support when running the specific game with that specific configuration.

Post by Hylic »

Thanks, that took care of that problem, but now when i run the game it tells me "Cant find sound card configuration", i tried "Reinstalling it from the "image" and now it doesn't display that message, just there's now voice's or music in the game (there are sound effects), and when i quit it gives me this error message "<28> io error with Anytalk.TLK - exiting".

Post by INDIANA »

Hmm. Considering the "can't find soundcard configutation" problem it seems as if your settings in setup don't save properly. If that's the problem then you might consider trying to delete games config file in which the setup saves information about your settings. Its some config.ini or config.cfg or smth with either of those extensions. Look in your game directory. Now for the error that the game gives you on quit, well now this is more as if the game was sort of messed up. Does it happen with some rip from HOTU or is it when you run the image. Maybe the version you got is not compiled properly therefore the file anytalk might be missing. Check if that file is in your game directory. If it is not..well you certainly got some anwser to why there is no spoken voice in game for file anytalk contains all of the speech audio files.


Post by Guest »

Ahh now I see that you did use the image version. Well still check both your game directory AND your Kyrandia cd for this specifig file. If it happens to be just on your cd then try to copy it straightly to your Kyrandia directory.

Post by Hylic »

Thanks, Indiana/Adam while i didn't find the config file (i probably just missed it), i looked at the anytalk.tlk file and it was 0 bytes, so i tried replacing it with the one from the image, that still didn't do it, then i decided to replace all the files with the ones from the image and now the sound and music works, the intro still doesn't work (it sends me right back to the main screen, but at least the game works so thanks again.
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Post by adam100 »

Hmm-it seems that your game has got "destiantion folders" to all files set to your game directory on Hard Disk instead of it being something like D:\(your cd-rom letter). The intro doesn't show because it's file is not visible to the game because it probabbly looks in it's folder istead on your cd. I would advise to look closely on your cd and search for anything which could contain some movies. The easiest way is to simply copy EVERYTHING that is on your cd to your game folder. You should probabbly put all the files together in the directory where is your main.exe and so on but I'm not sure of that so if the files on the cd are divided into various directories than try to copy those whole folders and if that doesn't work try to copy only the files that those folders contain.
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Post by adam100 »

I can see now that you copied EVERYTHING so thats quite odd. Search both cd and your folder for something like intro.SOMETHING or movies.SOMETHING and so on. If it's present and it weights like maybe even over 200mb then it's just odd. But i'm really sure that the game just can't find that file which contains the intro. Ow and please try and search for that config file. For sure in that file it is specified where can "videos" be fount, where can VOICE be found and so on. Those paths are probabbly set badly and you should change them to whatever your cd rom letter is. You know the same intro is not that much importmant but now, there are several movies throughout the game and it would be really a pity if you would have to miss them all. It would be like playing a ripped version.

Post by Hylic »

Ok i copied the rest of the stuff from my "Image", that didn't seem to do it. Now i don't know what the other movies in the game are called (the file name) but i think i found the ones for the intro (K3intro0.vqa - K3intro2.vqa). Also while i didn't find that config file, i did find setup.cfg and setup.dat files, i also found on the cd/"image" config.ems and .xms files but i they only seem to be for memory settings. When i try opening either the setup.cfg or setup .dat i only get a bunch of gibberish (the difference being with setup .cfg i get one line of gibberish ending with a d:\ and with setup.dat i get a whole lot of it.).

Post by Hylic »

I also tried modifying the setup.cfg file to point to my westwood directory on my harddrive, but the the game wouldn't run and gave me a error "unrecognized graphic type" (something like that) (i replaced it with a backup of the same file afterwards).
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Post by adam100 »

Well, then I'm afraid we're in a dead end here. I installed my version of Kyrandia III today and it works allright. The intro runs at the very least. And the intro files are indeed those .vqa files which you found. If they are like 38,27,17 mb then I have no idea. You can just try copying it to your game folder and I suppose you already checked that out. Hmm, I'm wondering though about that "cannot find graphic setting or so" error it gives you. I mean you definitevly shouldn't have messed with the setup.cfg OR setup.dat I can give you that but maybe the movies do not play because your graphics are messed up or something. Very inprobabble but you might want to check if you got a file malcolm.ini and player.ini in your game folder. One contains some graphics options and the other contains information about where do you run the game(win or dos). You may try checking these out. But i can tell ya, I had a rip from HOTU and this is exactly how the games act when the introduction is ripped. What is strange is that it seems that we own the same versions of images. I mean I too have those EMS and XMS and so in my version on cd. They are simply configs for those who have problems with memory. It is not neccesary though with VDM sound as it emulates memory which is great. Well, it works for me. It must be something on your side. Try launching the setup again maybe. This is as much as I can help you I think. Wish ya luck,

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Post by adam100 »

Ow and in case you won't manage to run that intro I can tell you that it's not that importmant. If you played the other two games in the series then everything is pretty clear. It mostly tells of Malcolms life, his short bio you might say. The movies don't play a very importmant role in this game, i played the rip first so I can reassure you, even the ending is a ingame cutscene. Speech is very nice though and you are lucky that at least this bloody thing works. :)


Post by Hylic »

I have a file malcolm.ini and a file player.ini, i don't see in them any graphic options, one says
and the other


Do you know which file the saved games are in? maybe i'll try reinstalling the whole thing, since the way i did it was i first installed it and then since it didn't work i extracted the HOTU version to the same folder i then got it to work without sound and then i copied the contents of my "Cd" to the same folder and got the sound to work, so maybe if i delete it and reinstall it just from the "cd" it will work.

and i once played part of the game years ago (got stuck at the jungle) so i saw the intro, and i did play the first two games.
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Post by adam100 »

That is rather odd.
It seems that your .ini files are a little messed up. Sure , try reinstalling the game just from the cd.Run the setup throughoutly , make sure it does a little graphic benchmark on yer computer and if it won't work try copying everything from cd yet again.You know your player.ini should look something like that:
PlayerMode = Vesa320x200
SoundEnabled =True
FrameRate = -1
DrawRate = Variable
AudioRate = -1
Size = 0
SlowPalette = True

Best = Vesa320x200
MCGA = 287
XMode320x200 = 166
XMode320x200_VRAM = 69
Vesa320x200 = 287
20000 = 14
19000 = 15
18000 = 14
17000 = 15
16000 = 14

Best = MCGA
MCGA = 303
XMode320x200 = 189
XMode320x200_VRAM = 125
12000 = 14
11000 = 15
10000 = 14
9000 = 15
8000 = 14

Best = XMode320x200
MCGA = 303
XMode320x200 = 303
XMode320x200_VRAM = 169
9000 = 14
8000 = 15
7000 = 14
6000 = 15
5000 = 14

Rate = 18029850

Make sure that it looks at least simmilar by the structure.

Post by Hylic »

When i installed it the first time, it never was able to do the graphic benchmarks (it attempted and then gave me some error).

I'll try that, but do you know which file the saved games are in, since i would like to keep whatever progress i made until now..
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Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:52 pm

Post by adam100 »

The save files are all the files with .SAV extensions. Backup them and everything should be fine.

Post by Hylic »

I just tried reinstalling the game, and though it didn't work (the intro) it did manage to do the graphics benchmarking, and now my player.ini file looks like this (the main difference i see between mine and yours is the slowpallete which by you is true and by me false).

PlayerMode = MCGA
SoundEnabled = True
FrameRate = -1
DrawRate = Variable
AudioRate = -1
Size = 0
SlowPalette = False

Best = MCGA
MCGA = 159
XMode320x200 = 81
XMode320x200_VRAM = 49
Vesa320x200 = 0
20000 = 14
19000 = 15
18000 = 14
17000 = 15
16000 = 14

Best = MCGA
MCGA = 403
XMode320x200 = 173
XMode320x200_VRAM = 118
12000 = 15
11000 = 15
10000 = 14
9000 = 15
8000 = 14

Best = MCGA
MCGA = 421
XMode320x200 = 379
XMode320x200_VRAM = 200
9000 = 14
8000 = 15
7000 = 14
6000 = 15
5000 = 15

Rate = 5566820
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Joined: Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:52 pm

Post by adam100 »

Well, I have no idea then :)
I suggest that you just give it up. As I said movies are played very seldom during the game and still, you don't know if the other movies will not work. Just play, enjoy and have some laugh. :D


Post by Hylic »

Ok, and actually i do know that they don't work because i'm up to the "End of the earth" part and over there, there are three times on the way down where you can enter a cave and then the screen goes black by me for a sec (sorta of fades out then back in. like when i try to play the intro), so i'm pretty sure that's what it is (that there is supposed to be a movie then), since i can't see them, what does it show during those three movies? Thanks for all your help.
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