Egypt Game Developers !
Egypt Game Developers !
I invite you to join this yahoo group :
you can find some useful dos games with source code by members in the files section.
and good books also.
you can find some useful dos games with source code by members in the files section.
and good books also.
mostly dos games in C. sometimes VB.DosReaper wrote: Anyways, if the poster is still checking back, what kind of games do you create?
very limited work infact. but it is better than nothing. the problem is not in the programmers and software companys, but the main problem is that no one in Egypt will pay for a game while he can copy it illegaly.
That stops any real project for producing a game. just a small projects by individuals.
I make games in Dos and Windows, using QB, C/C++, ASM or FreeBASIC.
In fact I'm porting this DOS (ASM/QB) engine to Win32(FreeBASIC/OpenGL/SDL).
In fact I'm porting this DOS (ASM/QB) engine to Win32(FreeBASIC/OpenGL/SDL).
Elign, to your surprise, electricity and comuters are available in Egypt! and Egyptian software developers are appreciated around the world. In fact they
are better and more creative than average programmers.
Anyway, I suggest you leave your computer screen for a while and travel around coz obviously it seems you don't know a lot outside your neighbourhood.
are better and more creative than average programmers.
Anyway, I suggest you leave your computer screen for a while and travel around coz obviously it seems you don't know a lot outside your neighbourhood.
Well .. I think egyweb is true ... travel to Egypt. he only problem with Egyptian programs is that the atmosphere is not quite suitable for creativity because of the bad economyElign wrote:Nice to know that Africa even has computers (or electricity for that matter), considering they can hardly ever get anything to eat.
Or is that just the top rich 5%?
All I can imagine is pyramids, camels, and deserts. I'm so ignorant, dang...
For many years, Africa has been portrayed as a bum/beggar continent. Has the media deceived me?
Live Aid 1985, World Vision, UNICEF, CCF, PWRDF, Gates Foundation, the list goes on... By those tokens, Africa would be a black hole of endless pity, the cursed and forsaken land.
Maybe it's only some of the countries that are death traps? others might have moved up, like Egypt?
Even so, my knowledge is pretty fuzzy. Maybe things are not what they seem...
For many years, Africa has been portrayed as a bum/beggar continent. Has the media deceived me?
Live Aid 1985, World Vision, UNICEF, CCF, PWRDF, Gates Foundation, the list goes on... By those tokens, Africa would be a black hole of endless pity, the cursed and forsaken land.
Maybe it's only some of the countries that are death traps? others might have moved up, like Egypt?
Even so, my knowledge is pretty fuzzy. Maybe things are not what they seem...