Dungoen Keeper: Deeper Dungeons ramdon crashings

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Dungoen Keeper: Deeper Dungeons ramdon crashings

Post by MidnightFox001 »

ok folks please understand that i have gone and read every thing about running the game on XP and in DosBox and compatibility mode. i have tried DosBox and i get the Error "You can't run this game in Dos." and with compatibility mode, well why should they have even installed that.... Also i have tried to reinstall the game.

what i have been having trouble with is the fact that the game wants to up and just crash on me. the odd this is that last week i was able to play for like 4 hours no problem. then when i went to pick up on my game this week the game just ramdonly crashes on me. i'm on Belbata, and finally crushed the yellow keeper. I was going to start working on the green keeper next. but before i was going to risk breaking one of my walls to attack i was going to booby trap my dungeon like hell! just in case. but once i start to lay down my traps that's when the game crashes. another lil thing that i've noticed is that when i go to build another workshop to drop my skeltins in, the lil images for the workshop fails to show up. for every 3X3 squares an image should show up but for some reason it's not wanting to show.

also i've noticed something a lil odd. mind you i have DK: gold. when i first start playing the game it's running fine. but with in a few minutes in to game play it slows down badly. but the odd thing is if i remove the cd and close the tray the game returns to normal speed. well that is until i have to put the cd back in to move on to the next level. now back when i had the org. DK the game ran just fine on XP w/ no problems at all.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:14 pm
Location: Rolla, MO

Post by PJPsyco »

You are probablably running the win95 versions of the game. Go to http://dk2.ea-europe.com/ and download the dungeon keeper 1 patches and run them in win 95 mode. They've been really solid for me.

Post by Guest »

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
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