I was looking for a game i played as a demo was and really like it.
You controled robots with synthinic humans inside as piolts.
You had to fight other robots, collect ore. Only 2 levles on the demo.
It was turned-based game with the view of looking down over the bots with a hexigon grid.
The neat thing is that you could custimized any weapon, robot, poliot. To fit the mission.
If you piolet was damage you could give him a drug to up his life but the toxins in his blood also when up too to much any you killed him.
The game befor you picked you missions you looked at different world and acceped mission. To kill, ore, defend.
The whole game was 15 MB.
The gameplay with customizing was maily green and black. with eary music.
I dont think they used the word "mech" at all.