old text game, anyone up for the challenge?

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old text game, anyone up for the challenge?

Post by rawkshtar »

hey would anyne know the name of a text base game..
u'd just enter commands and it would tell u where u are kinda like adventure in the DL section.. but u enter a church or sumthing..
-go thru a mazE?
-theres an alter...
-i know theres a gauntlet and a goblet u put on and drink from
-a coffin maybe?

.. sorry thats all i could remember..
im trying to find the game because i couldnt clock it when i was little so yeah..
if anyone could help that would be great!!

thanks in advanced..

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"Some Troll"
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Post by wardrich »

that sounds like The Uninvited. I know it existed on NES, but I'm not too sure about PC.

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