dos prompt codes
dos prompt codes
I have windows XP and downloaded the dosbox to run some games. I tried to follow the directions of the website for the prompt codes but can't get the game to open up. I get to the point of typing in the c:/ location but if my file is just unzipped into my program files file what do i type in next to get the game to open? I've tried many differ ways of programfiles\crystalcaves1...but nothing is working?
still not working
i tried the codes you said...and it won't let me get any farther. i type in <gameexe> and then it just goes to C:/ again ?
Hello again-
I tried what you said again and it did work but is still giving me the same doesn't say invalid or anything it just doesn't open anything up...i transfered my file into another folder c:/games. when i type in mount c c:\games into the dos screen it goes through but what do i type after that in the next C:\> line?? thanks a lot for your help by the way!
I tried what you said again and it did work but is still giving me the same doesn't say invalid or anything it just doesn't open anything up...i transfered my file into another folder c:/games. when i type in mount c c:\games into the dos screen it goes through but what do i type after that in the next C:\> line?? thanks a lot for your help by the way!
Here's my generic DOSBox help guide that I send to people who email me about how to use DOSBox:
First, you have to know the exact folder where the game is. Usually I install all my dos games in C:\DOS\[gamename] so that they're easy to find, and keep the folder name to a maximum of 8 characters (just to preserve that DOSy feel!)
After downloading/installing DOSBox, add the following to the end of your dosbox.conf file (under where it says "[autoexec]"):
Then run DOSBox. You'll be at the C:\> prompt. Type:
(for example)
cd means "change directory". (A directory is another name for a folder.) The above assumes you unzipped/installed the game into the C:\DOS\MYGAME folder. Then type the command to run the game. If you don't know what command to type, try typing this:
dir *.exe
This lists all the executable (runable) files in that folder. One of the files it lists is probably the one you run to play.
In your case, you would type CC1 to start the game. Typing "dir *.exe" in the Crystal Caves folder shows a total of 4 programs you can run, CC1.EXE being the game. For fun you can also run CATALOG to see the old Apogee games catalog.
Hope this helps.
First, you have to know the exact folder where the game is. Usually I install all my dos games in C:\DOS\[gamename] so that they're easy to find, and keep the folder name to a maximum of 8 characters (just to preserve that DOSy feel!)
After downloading/installing DOSBox, add the following to the end of your dosbox.conf file (under where it says "[autoexec]"):
Code: Select all
(for example)
cd means "change directory". (A directory is another name for a folder.) The above assumes you unzipped/installed the game into the C:\DOS\MYGAME folder. Then type the command to run the game. If you don't know what command to type, try typing this:
dir *.exe
This lists all the executable (runable) files in that folder. One of the files it lists is probably the one you run to play.
In your case, you would type CC1 to start the game. Typing "dir *.exe" in the Crystal Caves folder shows a total of 4 programs you can run, CC1.EXE being the game. For fun you can also run CATALOG to see the old Apogee games catalog.
Hope this helps.
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still trouble
Hello again-
I tried doing your instructions....and my game is in a folder under my computer called games and the game is called crystalcaves1[1]. So did the whole mount c c:\ process and get to c:\>. Then i tried typing in cd c:\games\crystalcaves1[1]. Then it comes up as an illegal command. So then i tried just typing in cd games into the c:\> prompt, and then i get the next prompt being....C:\GAMES>...and then i tried all kinds of things like typing in crystalcaves1[1] and just crystalcaves and CC1 and stuff but it won't let me get any farther than C:\GAMES>. Any ideas what to type in as my next prompt?? Thanks-
I tried doing your instructions....and my game is in a folder under my computer called games and the game is called crystalcaves1[1]. So did the whole mount c c:\ process and get to c:\>. Then i tried typing in cd c:\games\crystalcaves1[1]. Then it comes up as an illegal command. So then i tried just typing in cd games into the c:\> prompt, and then i get the next prompt being....C:\GAMES>...and then i tried all kinds of things like typing in crystalcaves1[1] and just crystalcaves and CC1 and stuff but it won't let me get any farther than C:\GAMES>. Any ideas what to type in as my next prompt?? Thanks-
scratch that!
Ok. i got to the next step after messin around w/ differ period placements and such to the step after typin in dir *exe. It gives me a list of directory of <dir> games. Now how do i know which one is CC1 and how do i type that in? there isn't any labels on the lines for me to know which is the right one and what to type in next?
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Re: dos prompt codes
melcz wrote:I have windows XP and downloaded the dosbox to run some games. I tried to follow the directions of the website for the prompt codes but can't get the game to open up. I get to the point of typing in the c:/ location but if my file is just unzipped into my program files file what do i type in next to get the game to open? I've tried many differ ways of programfiles\crystalcaves1...but nothing is working?