Pleasem help with an old strategy game

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Pleasem help with an old strategy game

Post by gibg »

I have played it on a 286 about 10 years ago.The game was about becoming the emperor of the Rome.The player had to conquest on the teritory knowed at that time.
The finest part was about the battle.You had to types of legions : only infantery and infantery with cavalery.

The units were gruped in cohortes.
The playe selected a tipe of battle strategy( out flank,...) an the type on the disposals of the units(linear,...).you were able to creat a path as you wish for a cohort of soldiers.Also you hat a comander that had a certain voice strong.stronger the voice bettre he covered the battle field and you can control the soldiers.If a group of soldiers were out side of the range of his voice they were on their own.If the comander was kiled some of the soldiers diserted.
To keeep the people of the conquest teritoryes oK you give them chariots runs, gladiators fight.
The hardest country to conquest was in the east, and had all the units cavalery.

Thank you.
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Joined: Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:26 am

Post by Broadcast »

Centurion: Defender of Rome

Post by gibg »

Broadcast wrote:Centurion: Defender of Rome
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