Six new games added to the site. The games are: Bouncing Babies, Depth Dwellers, Dungeons of Death, Hangtetris, Spear of Destiny (demo) and Turbo Trek. Many of these games are virtually unknown and a few are not currently available anywhere else on the web (that I know of) so check 'em out. As always you can read my oh-so-insightful reviews and download 'em all by visiting the <a href="">Newest Additions</a> page. Hope you like 'em!
As always, if you notice any mistakes, please post 'em in this thread, in order to shame me publicly by pointing out my blatant incompetence
Also, I added a few obscure and/or low rated games during this update. I have bunches more on Wally's CDs as well as some user submitted ones I haven't looked at yet, but if there are some freeware/shareware/demo games that you think are really obvious choices but aren't on the site yet, please do suggest them in this thread. Thanks! (BTW, a list of all the games on the site is available on the <a href="">Game Index</a> page.)
Last edited by emmzee on Thu Sep 02, 2004 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Owner / Webmaster of for over 20 years
Softdisk games are still being sold ... ... I will check out the Decent 2 demo ... can you point me to a link to Search & Destroy? Thanx
Owner / Webmaster of for over 20 years
I have search and destroy demo on here somewhere... Unfortunately, its on a CD that has 1 install file for 12 games, so getting just 1 is impossible. Sweet game tho.
Isn't that the one where you can take a Tank or Apache Strike Helicopter and blow the shit out of everything in sight? If so, I loved it... though I thought Epic Games released it?
Shoot, didn't notice that he said "search & destroy". I perfectly knew it was called seek and destroy as me and wardrich spent some time trying to find the full version to no avail.