I have this REALLY old game that I STILL have! It's called Hi-Octane, a game which is going to be reviewed by ME!:
(I only have 1 thing of the game missing: I don't have the manual, but, I just have the game itself!)
Name of game: Hi-Octane
Created by: Bullfrog Productions LTD.
Made in: 1995
Format: CD-ROM (in DOS)
Version: Unknown, many versions of game.
A futuristic racing game, players race to death as they fight as they race along the track in their veichles.
Graphics: Future-like graphics makes people feel like they are in the future (on highest setting, also makes game slower).
Gameplay: The computers just ravage for your car as they just shoot you till you die. 2 computers kill your car, while others just make smoke come out of your car (big, huge smoke clouds rush from your car [leaving a really huge trail behind]). There are upgrades for your weapons and your booster (3 seperate upgrades). You can just race, or just kill the computers!
6 cars. 6 tracks.
Rating: I just have to say this, but, this is my favorite game of all time before I stoped playing it. I rate it 100.[/b]