tip of my tongue

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tip of my tongue

Post by Gette »

Hi, I'm looking for the name of an old game I used to have on my PC. I only remember fragments of it but it was with 2 friendly "aliens". One was orange and the other was taller and yellow. You had to pass a map, and if I remember correctly, you had to give commands sort of like in hugo's house of horrors. Other things I remember is that at one point the yellow one ate flowers, you had to pass a sleeping giant (though I don't remember which part that is, becaus I think there where 2 sequels, I do remember that one of the sequels startet out on a boat)

anyway, I also believe it had a strange name like zork or snarl or kroz or something. I know it's difficult but I could really use the help Thx
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Post by Frenkel »

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Post by wardrich »

I don't think it is... I don't remember any of that happening in Goblins, however, I had a demo, and it would crash right after I got off the flying-boat-thing.

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Post by GAMER »

Whatever the game is it sounds pretty cool. If anyone knows what, or where it is tell me too. :D

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i have a chik magnet...observe!

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="slide"><font color="crimson">
[MAGNET]-------------------- :cuccoan: </marquee>

Post by Guest »

Well, in Gobliins II you control 2...erhm...goblins, but the first one looks like some sort of human and the second one looks like a purple wolf. They are called Fingus and Winkle (if I remember correctly) and immediately in the first level you come across a giant who wants something to eat and something to drink before you can get past him. Gobliins II is a very cool game (just like Gobliiins I and Goblins 3), I have all 3 games on my computer but I can't find a download site for Gobliins 2 for you anywhere...

Post by Prutger »

wardrich wrote:I don't think it is... I don't remember any of that happening in Goblins, however, I had a demo, and it would crash right after I got off the flying-boat-thing.

--I wrote the previous message too--

Richard, you're talking about Goblins 3.
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Post by wardrich »

oh, ok... :laugh: I'm glad somebody knew what I was talking about, becuase I sure didn't. I just knew it had something to do with that series.

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