Can someone please tell my why downloads aren't workin forme

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Can someone please tell my why downloads aren't workin forme

Post by Guest »

I'm trying to download the game Descent. But when I click " Start Download", it automatically chooses open instead of Save, so I can't use it with WinZip. I've tried downloading Descent on other websites, but I get no sound in the game from those downloads.
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Post by bummerboy »

Ahh crap, I forgot to log in again. Once again, that is my message.
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Post by Interon »

Right click on the download link, then click "Save Target As..."
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Re: Can someone please tell my why downloads aren't workin f

Post by Wally »

Anonymous wrote:I'm trying to download the game Descent. But when I click " Start Download", it automatically chooses open instead of Save, so I can't use it with WinZip. I've tried downloading Descent on other websites, but I get no sound in the game from those downloads.
This is not a problem with your download, its a problem with XP or whatever your OS is..

Try using an sound emulator Such as VDMsound avaliable from
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