I am currently trying to run Ultima Underworld 1 and 2 on windows ME. I have installed both but when I run them I get an error that says: EMS allocated. Cannot run Underworld. Resource problem or internal error. Error code A006.
Any help with this would be very appreciated. Thank you.
If you have a nice fast computer eg >1.5ghz then get yourself Dosbox from http://dosbox.sourceforge.net and set the cycles to somewhere between 10000 and 15000. This works fine for me, my site is www.sythe.org u can see some screenshots of UW2 running there. Uw2 is my favourite game
He's not lying you know! Underworld 1 works fine for me and I'm running it on an NTFS laptop. The initial speech needs very low clock cycles (on my pc if the cycles are high the sound is very patchy) but when you get into the game, crank them up and it runs smooth.
The error A### is for low file count. There used to be a "files=20" in the config.sys file and that error means it's too low. I get a D### and it's not in my manual.
Hi, I had the D012 error when talking to npcs in UU. I solved this by copying the UU cd to C:\ and making everything read/write (by unchecking the 'read only' box in properties. I then installed the game using the c:\ version and everything worked as it was supposed to, hope this helps someone.