BattleChess Collection

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BattleChess Collection

Post by Guest »

I cant get Battle chess Collection to install on any of my 3 computers which all use NTFS, and one computer that uses FAT32, all use Windows XP. I have been in contact with interplay on this problem and they dont know the problem either and I have 2 copys of the game now so its not the cd itself. I can install a game once but when I go back to try install a second one it gives me the error. Well anyway

I start the cd by clicking Chess, it starts up and lets me choose 1 of the 4 games, I do and choose to install one says where I choose C gets to the next screen and shows progression bar and in the progression bar just says "Writing Problem" No other details on the problem and Interplay is stumped on the matter.

Anyone else had this problem?

Have been told that it could be cause my computer uses NTFS well thats not it cause it doesnt work on FAT32

Been told its the cd rom, well I tried it in different computers and didnt work

I am installing it under adminstration privleages

I have plenty of room to install it

bah forget it I like the game so much but cant play it :shifty: DARN YOU XP DARN YOU BILL GATES!!!!!!!!!!!! :karate:
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King of the Carrot Flowers
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Joined: Thu May 01, 2003 8:30 pm

Post by Wally »

again... have you tried dosbox?
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