2qut2bug, I finally indentified the game you wanted. I couldn't remember the title and simply had too many games to search though. In the end I used a search engine to help me and after going through tons of pages, I found the title.
The name is Tetris Plus. It has a man on the tetris, it's a very fun game. However, I could only find a screenshot of the sequel, Tetris 2 Plus for you to see. Tetris Plus 2 however features a lady instead of a man.
Screenshots Page 1,
Screenshots Page 2
Tetris Plus is available on arcade machines, Gameboy, Playstation and Sega Saturn.
Since you enjoy this kind of interesting tetris, let me recommand you another good tetris game. The game is
Joy Joy Kid/Puzzled available for Neo-Geo. It involves removing tetris pieces to release objects like a Hot Air Balloon, a fish or some other item.