Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure -> help needed!
Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure -> help needed!
So. It just doesn't work. I have lame 750MHz computer and Win suXP. I've also tried that fancy compatibility mode with no luck. If I run the game with no tricks it freezes in dos box and the last line is "TimerRegister Event". If I run the game using VDMS I can see all three intros and click play. Sometimes the game crashes immediately but sometimes I can click e.g. "Go down" (game character should go down stairs to another character) but then game crashes for certain. Pop up says something like this: "VDMSound 2.0.4 - Dos prompt. X#=0D, CS=01A7 IP=00000D36. NT's apparent DOS machine came across unprocessed expection." Sorry for mistakes because I'm translating from Finnish. If you click dos prompt in task bar instead of "Close" or "Pass" you can still see same screen and mouse over "Go down". Can you help me?