Just got hold of Ironseed and got the rt error 200 when trying to run it on a P4. TPPATCH couldn't patch the file IS.EXE (but managed to patch MAIN.EXE which you can't run. must start with IS.EXE) so problem remains.
Using "MOSLO /1 IS.EXE" doesn't work either. Just in case I understood things wrong and that would reduce speed by only 1% and not to 1%, I also tried "MOSLO /99 IS.EXE". Still get RT error 200.
Any other suggestions?
Runtime error 200 not solvable by "normal" means
After reading up on the problem and having another look at it, I realized the problem wasn't with the IS.exe file, but rather three separate exe-files obviously called by is.exe, namely crewgen.exe, main.exe, intro.exe. After applying tppatch to all of them the program works... well more or less. Had two crashes so far for no apparent reason, so gonna try moslo and some other stuff.
- GameMaster.EXE
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