Looking for an old game please help
Looking for an old game please help
I am looking for an old game i played as a kid...you played as three characters at a time, and each had to do something or had an ability to get past the unique different levels...it was like lemmings in which it was a strategy in that all three had to work together...im thinking maybe the characters were dwarfs or knomes? The levels were really detailed i think...please help
no, its not vikings..perhaps released around mid 90s ...
It is not vikings but seems similar...you can explore the levels..and find a way to the end invloving getting items etc..if anyone knows any other games that are like this...i believe one level is a house...the graphics i believe are not bad..and the levels (maps perhaps) are more 3d...and each level is a different scenario..and has different ways you can die...i believe some levels may be a big tree, house (haunted?), cave...not sure
The game i am looking for is not Vikings...but includes 3 playble characters at a time, similar to lemmings..the levels/maps may be 3d or open (i dont think they are 2d levels) ANY OTHER IDEAS?