A mystery consumes me! Green and Orange game on Mars.

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A mystery consumes me! Green and Orange game on Mars.

Post by Sherri »

From way back when... maybe about 12 years ago, on the very first computer I got as a kid... we had a game that was just great. It was so challenging and I never did finish it. Here's the descripition:

It was almost completely green and orange (mostly orange) on black. Each level was the size of one screen and your little space guy would drop from the ceiling. You would then have to navigate the room to get to the exit. It was all a big puzzle and you would have to jump around, move blocks and I think there were aliens... not sure. I thought the game was called Mars but I'm sure that's wrong.

Does this ring a bell for anyone? I've been searching for years for this game! Thanks!!

Post by Guest »

Nevermind... I found it on this site! "Monuments of Mars" THIS SITE ROCKS!!! :D

Post by Guest »

NOOOOOOO.... It just won't work!!! Arrrggghh! :Angry:
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