How do I install Dyrian on WinXP

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How do I install Tyrian on WinXP

Post by olskoo1 »

You guys probably get a question like this all the time.

Ok, Windows XP has no MSDOS mode. Great isn't it?

Well, how do I go about something such as installing Tyrian2.0. Everytime I click on SETUP, something that looks to be like a Dos window opens, then does nothing and vanishes.

Is there a way to get Dos for my computer (since i'm on wnxp)?

Someone pleeeeeeease help me (i love this game!!!). All I need to know is how to get this thing installed. I've read the other article about actually playing it and stuff.


Post by olskool1 »

ok, did some research and stuff on my own.

i found "command prompt" in windows. and i downloaded DosBox (but can't figure it out)

Using command prompt however, i was able to use it with conjunction to TPPATCH and MOSLO. However, game still does not work.

Using tppatch, i was able to get to the "setup" screen of tyrian. Great, now if I could just play the game...

Using tppatch, I could not play tyrian.

Using moslo, I also could notp lay tyrian. I continued to get run time errors no matter what values I set it.

I never get into the games. It's always in DOs Mode where I get the run time errors.
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