Facepalmingly stupid question: Rogue:The Adventure Game

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Facepalmingly stupid question: Rogue:The Adventure Game

Post by Kraken »

Okay, everyone, take a valium or something to calm your nerves, because the question I'm about to ask you is so horribly stupid that I may have to commit seppuku to atone for it.

How the <i>hell</i> do you load a *.sav file in Rogue? I see no reference to it when I press "?" or F1.

*commits seppuku with a frisbee* :angel:
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Post by Dogbreath »

Good question... I almost never play rogue (preferring Nethack) but I would suppose that shift-right clicking and chosing "Open With" on the rogue .sav file and chosing Rogue.exe to run it would work... if that doesn't, try using a command line a la Omega to do it (ie. C:\rogue\Rogue.exe Rogue.sav)

I have never been able to successfully load a saved Rogue game myself, mind you, so you may be out of luck.

Post by Kraken »

Unfortunately, neither method works. I am, for informational purposes, using Windows XP and running Rogue v1.1 which I downloaded from this site.

Also, I've been playing Angband, but I can't quite wrap my mantle (squid humor, pay no attention) around the character creation system. Perhaps it has something to do with the psuedo-spine that runs along the length of my mantle.

When it says to enter a "minimum attribute," what is it talking about? How does this relate to character generation? I understand the percentile system, just not the minumum attribute thing.

Thanks for your input
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