It's been a long time since i posted anything here... but... here goes
I got told somewhere i can't remember that abandon loader is a great program if i wanna play dos games in windows ME can anyone uphold that?
oh yeah i keep forgetting this, so pls forgive..
Warez - cracked games = no no... I agree
Freeware - full games that companies decided to give away?
abandon ware is?
shareware - games made by independent publishers that u have to buy if u like it, does this also include demo like games?
sry to have to put u thru this.. i'm just stupid...
Warez=software still on sale, illegal to copy (expect back up) includin' download.
Freeware=no charge from use, author/company still has rights to code, content and name(copy right) mostly free to distrupute.
Abandon'=more than 4 years old software, which isn't sold any more by developer/publisher.
Demo=very limeted part o' software (mostly only 1st level) buy if thou want. Sometimes wrongly used from shareware.
Once again, I ask where the heck do you get that 4 year thing? Abandonware is ANY software that has been abandoned by it's owner and is no longer supported... age means nothing. There are 10 year old games that are still supported (any TLC game, for instance...) , why do you insist on calling them Abandonware when they still may be purchased? It's still Warez... reguardless of age. You're the type that destroyed the Abandonware community simply by saying "if it's so old, we can distribute it!" rather than using legit Abandonware.
Abandon'=more than 4 years old software, which isn't sold any more by developer/publisher.
lemme just kinda re-word and expand that..
Abandonware refers to games that were made a while back that, even though aren't supported by the company, are still registered to the company. Unless the company deems it as free, it is illegal to download.
Last edited by wardrich on Thu Jun 12, 2003 8:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
huh? i dont see Kazer anywhere in my post... *looks at post* nope, no Kazer there... lol... as for that other planet... *hops into alien spacecraft and flies to Xaxon, the second closest planet to Xargon...* <robotic alien voice >stupid human fools! they shall never find me here...! </robotic alien voice>
abandon ware are programs which is perceived to be freeware since the name portrays them as being abandoned by its publishers etc BUT they are really illegal as they r the same as warez in a different outfit UNLESS the company declares them as freeware right??!!
So my first question... abandon loader, someone said it is a windows based program that allows you to enjoy dos games whilst still in windows right?!
hehe looks like i started the ball rolling on the age old issue of what is abandon ware