What should we be expecting to see in the future?

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What should we be expecting to see in the future?

Post by wardrich »

Dosgames.com's layout has surprisingly been able to stand the tests of time over the past few years, but with the whole rush of css, faux-reflections, PHP, and AJAX, surely there's going to be a dosgames.com uphaul in the near future... right?

Though it would take a crapload of time to do, I think the content should be moved to a database. It would definitely lighten the future workload. The "newest games" section could automatically poll the latest entries from the database, and each games section could poll the database by game genre...

Other than that, I think the front-end is still really functional, and shouldn't have to be changed around too much.
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Post by Dogbreath »

emmzee's been planning to do a complete overhaul of dosgames.com "in the near future" for 3 years now, so I wouldn't count on anything happening soon. :suspicious:

I myself would like to see a more interactive, dynamic website. The whole wiki/"Web 2.0"(oh how I hate that label) trend is all the rage nowadays, so at the very least I'd like to see user ratings, user reviews, and more complete game profiles - that would include a full review, a "find where to buy this game" option, links to websites and DGF topics about that game, and possibly a wiki-page about each game where users can add GGTW info, strategy guides, tips, etc. about the game.

Another thing that's struck me is the sheer wealth of helpful information contained in the Get Games To Work and Find Old Games forum, especially some of the amazingly extensive help posts in GGTW. Right now, they're just sitting there, all chaotic and spread out in different posts. It'd be great to be able to organize all that info into a more accessable medium.

I myself would be willing to do a lot of the work (especially as far as reviews/categorization) this summer, should emmzee ever decide to do an update. Until then, I guess...
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Post by emmzee »

Yea I've been wanting to do dosgames.com 2.0 for awhile now. Depending how my summer goes I may finally have time to start work on this.
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Post by wardrich »

We should find the best posts in the GGTG forum and eventually toss them into a "GGTG wiki".

I also like the idea of having users submit their reviews and screenshots and stuff for the games... we could sort of adapt the layout of a certain oldgames site.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

If you actually start doing that GGTW/FOG/GHHT(maybe with a walkthorugh section?) wiki, I'd be glad to browse trough the(small number) of 360 threads, looking for the best ones!

Also if a FOG wiki is to be made, it wouldn't hurt to jack up the "Image Library" with more screenshots and add it to the wiki!(again, if it's something that will actually happen, count on me! ;) )
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by 486 player »

Game submitter. Altough, legalization must be proved either by files, link or copyright owner's permission.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Er... you can still submit games to DOSGames.com !

Just email'em to emmzee! ;)
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by 486 player »

I've twice, and he didn't reply.
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Post by wardrich »

486 player wrote:I've twice, and he didn't reply.
He's a busy guy. I like the idea of a games submitter, and a board of submission reviewers... to ensure they're legal to have on the site.
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Post by emmzee »

Sorry if I never replied to your email(s), I get a lot of 'em. 486 Player, if there are specific games you'd like to see on DG pls PM me with the names (and links if they're not easy to find). Thankees. :)
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Post by 486 player »

Didn't work.


I've Llamatron (freeware release) and Revenge of Mutant Camels in floppies: didn't find a proper link.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Dude, you're scaring me!

Clopotel.RO ??? :shifty:
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by wardrich »

Larry Laffer wrote:Dude, you're scaring me!

Clopotel.RO ??? :shifty:

what's so bad about it?
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Post by Dogbreath »

wardrich wrote:
Larry Laffer wrote:Dude, you're scaring me!

Clopotel.RO ??? :shifty:

what's so bad about it?
The link is to a Romanian website, and Larry is also Romanian, soooo...
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Post by dosraider »

.... sooooooo .... it was apparently a huge shock for Larry that he wasn't the only one with a .ro , yes Larry , you ain't the only one there with internet.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

dosraider wrote:it was apparently a huge shock for Larry that he wasn't the only one with a .ro , yes Larry , you ain't the only one there with internet.
Precisely! ;)

But that's not all, I've been around for more than an year, and 486 Player for more than 4 years, and well... you get the picture. :rolleyes:
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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What should we be expecting to see in the future?

Post by Jasonmon »

I was not blaming u..bhaii

It is strange, I could not see screen shots on Beta review, and now NAYA ZAMANA are INVISIBLE

May be were posted on different server?
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