Early 2000 PC platform space game with local multiplayer 2d

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Early 2000 PC platform space game with local multiplayer 2d

Post by Tonymon »

Hello, im looking for a game i know only there was only localmulti player split screen (myb there was single player im not sure) where u fly a space ship shooting eachother (probably one kind of gun), diffrent lvls where u need to avoid rocks or sth but there was snow map where u coudl drill through snow, u need to refill fuel in base, capture the flag, it was platform 2d PC game myb on Windows xp it might be demo verison im not sure i was playing it at my friend house
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Early 2000 PC platform space game with local multiplayer 2d

Post by Norbide »

Hey, I think I found the game you're looking for - Jetmen Revival (released October 25, 2003).
I searched the internet for a very long time and in several attempts, even recently using AI, but neither the internet nor artificial intelligence could handle it. Luckily, I remembered a disk where I copied games from the MINI GAMES 2004 (or 2008) CD. Your post was the only one I found that described this game. I specially created an account on this forum to save others the ordeal and maybe still for you.
Have nice day!
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Early 2000 PC platform space game with local multiplayer 2d

Post by MrFlibble »

Norbide wrote: Your post was the only one I found that described this game. I specially created an account on this forum to save others the ordeal and maybe still for you.
Thank you for sharing this information, and welcome to the forums!

Here's the MobyGames page of this game, sadly no screenshots:

Perhaps you could provide some, if you still have that game?

UPD: Here's the developer's page (Wayback Machine):
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Early 2000 PC platform space game with local multiplayer 2d

Post by Norbide »

I still have the game installed, but when I tried to install on Windows 11, there is only a black screen when I start. Maybe it still works on older systems.
I've uploaded the game to my google drive, so enjoy everyone! B)
Unfortunately as a newly created account I can't insert pictures and links. :shifty:
To make the link work add "drive(dot)google(dot)com"

gameplay recordings can be found on youtube e.g. this one:
To make the link work add "youtube(dot)com"
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Early 2000 PC platform space game with local multiplayer 2d

Post by butterburp1 »

Thanks for posting this. I'm guessing it's possible to tinker with either DG Voodoo or DX Wnd/Wrapper and get this to work. I got it to work partially on the former, but I don't know enough about what the settings mean to get all the way there. Also didn't get very far...not sure if it runs too fast on modern machines (or my aging brain runs too slow) but I couldn't control the ship at all. It's like Lunar Lander on steroids, extremely sensitive. I'm sure more skillful players would do better.
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