Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

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Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

Post by pqthias »

Hi! I'm from Romania. In the last 4 years I tried to find this game I'm about to descriebe. I tried searching literally everywhere and with all my power, but with no luck. I'm going to descriebe in as much detail I can (I have very good visual memory of this game). First of all, it was I think 2007-2009 when I played it last time, on a romanian site with games for kids (its name was Kids Games and it displayed, in a grid fashion, multiple games in many different categories, such as cooking, puzzle, etc.). From what I remember, the base colour theme was a light-ish blue-gray. It had multiple mini-games or levels, each one different form one another. It fitted in the puzzle/logic game category. I can remember only 3 distinct ''levels'' from it:
- one of them had a padlock that needed to be unlocked and, in order to do that, you had a ''blank'' key (yellow) that you had to file down as the ''good'' key (basically to make a copy of the good key that could open the padlock);
- another one of them depicted a ''window'' (can't really remember what exactly was that, but it looked like a 2x2 square with 4 transparent, glass-like squares in total). The goal of that was to make a ''window'' like the game requested (it showed you what the final window had to look like). To do that, you had a ''machine'' that literally coloured some of the squares and shaped some of the squares when you put the window in. At the end, after those colouring and reshaping steps, you were left, if you did it right, with the correct or the requested window;
- and the last one that I can remember showed multiple fragments of a classical song (I can play it in my mind, but have no idea what it's called or how to descriebe it, besides it had violin sounds) that had to be put together in the correct order. As a result, you were left with the whole song in order.
So this is my best description of this game. Recently I was a bit frustrated because I kept searching it online with ''key'' words, but for nothing, like it dissapeared form the internet. Someone must know what game I'm talking about and it would be absolutely amazing to find it. I would literally pay to know what was it like and play it again. Sorry for any mistakes I made in my words. Looking forward to seeing some replies! For aditional details and possible drawings of this game, hit me up (@pqthias on instagram if I won't respond here). Thanks a lot!
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

Post by MrFlibble »

Did I understand you correctly that you played this in the browser, i.e. it was an online game? If so, we may not be of much help, unless you remember exactly what site you played this on. You might be able to access a copy of that site via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.
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Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

Post by pqthias »

yes, it was an online-playable game, and I know what site was it on, but it no longer exists. It's called ,,Jocuri Copii - Frumusetea copilariei tale!'' and the link is Kidsgames247 dot com. I tried the internet archive, but there are thousands of captures and I can't browse all of them. Don't you have a clue what game I'm talking about?
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

Post by MrFlibble »

pqthias wrote: but there are thousands of captures and I can't browse all of them
You don't need to browse all of them, you said you played this in 2007-2009? Here's a snapshot of the site from 2008 (I picked the date at random): ...

If your game was there in 2008, you should be able to find it again I suppose.
pqthias wrote: Don't you have a clue what game I'm talking about?
I'm not from Romania and I'm not interested in browser games. How likely it is that I'd know?

Your best bet is to browse the site via the Wayback Machine and hopefully you'll find it again.
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Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

Post by pqthias »

I FOUND IT!!!! Thank you very very much!!!
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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Kids online (?) game played in 2007-2009

Post by MrFlibble »

Glad to hear this, can you tell what it was?
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