fantasy based rpg game where you played an ancient robot dug up from an archeological site

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fantasy based rpg game where you played an ancient robot dug up from an archeological site

Post by dragonflamemab »

xbox series or ps 2 or 3
between 1995 and 2006
Fantasy based rpg game
Third person/birds eye view
Could choose between multiple characters, barbarian/warrior, mage, dwarf?, and the one character I can remember clearly, a type of ancient robot dug up from an archeological site with an egyptian like design with an anubis type head. Energy based staff? for a weapon. Didn't talk, just made odd noises. Had a vehicle that was a vertical standing disc that it rode in the center of.
One quest I do remember is retrieving a mic or guitar or other item for a band you find in a field or side of the road, that is heavy metal/hard rock centric.
Enemies range from orcs,goblins, skeletons, a lizard like thing, and other warriors and mages.
I cannot remember the main story line or any other quest.
I think it was free range/open world, but not sure. Might have been open roam of certain area until you unlock new one by quest or by level.
Sorry I cannot remember more. I've played way too many platforms and games over the years to keep track of them all, but this one character is stuck in my head and the fact that I cannot remember the name of the game is irritating me.
Thank you for your time and attention.
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fantasy based rpg game where you played an ancient robot dug up from an archeological site

Post by Yanome »

It sounds like Sacred 2: Fallen Angel.
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Demoniac Demo maniac
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fantasy based rpg game where you played an ancient robot dug up from an archeological site

Post by MrFlibble »

Indeed, Sacred II has an Egyptian-looking robot (called Temple Guardian):

Here's a playthrough of the game with this character: ... -3xqfq6kbK
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