I want to look for a game that my cousin and I played around 2011:
-it wasn't from the time, it was a little older game;
-icon possibly red and had a character's face;
-there was a character like a boss, at one stage, who had a different laugh;
-was played on those pc with crt monitor around 2012;
- have a mission in the snow;
-remember cs and half life;
-was on campaign
-skull with some pistols, in the windows start menu icon (not sure);
-missions on a ship;
-voice when passing the level;
-mission with some drones;
-came with the crt tube pc;
-windows xp;
-The first mission was on a street, there were some garbage cans and later you got into a car. It looked like a bank robbery;
-looks like soldier of fortune 2.
Please help-me, I Want so much find this game!!!
Shoting game, before 2011
Shoting game, before 2011
Hmm...maybe one of the Tom Clancy franchises, like the Rainbow series perhaps, I think there were some snow missions in a few of those.
Shoting game, before 2011
Thank you, I will search for <3