Game about sneaking into castle

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Game about sneaking into castle

Post by xob3t »

Platform: Windows

Year: I don't remember the year that well I played this when I kid so I would say it was released around 2013, 2014, or 2015


Plot:) Going off what I remember the plot revolves around this male character that crashed his plane (don't remember how) by a huge castle which he must sneak into. While avoiding guards he gains useful items which are magical staffs which he is able to use in his goal to rescue a captured girl.

Graphics: 2D

Perspective: 2nd person

Main Character:Your characters body is a sort of stickman that is composed of 6 circles. He has a round body along with a smaller round head attached to it, and 4 smaller circles that make the hands and feet of the character the character does not have limbs such as arms, legs, or a neck. The character is also aqua blue and its only facial features are white oval shaped eyes (if you don't understand the description imagine these two guys but aqua blue, without arms and legs, and having another circle on top for the head :slap: ). The same features goes to the girl that must be rescued, however I think she had a little pony tail and an outfit im not too sure I also can't remember what the enemies looked like.

Objectives: (might wanna get comfortable for this) You must mainly use stealth to get through the castle floors, although as you progress with the right item you can just ram through enemies :racing: . When you are in sneak mode you can sneak past your enemies and if you have a magical staff which can be found sometimes lying around the castle, you can temporarily knock them out (for about 10 seconds) which leaves you able to grab whatever magical staff the enemy has.The staffs can have a certain ability depending on what kind of staff it is which are fire staffs, ice staffs (I think), and lightning staffs, which you can use to your advantage in progressing, however if an enemy spots you being they will attack you with the weapon they have or if they have no weapon I think they attempt chase you go back in stealth mode or until they catch you which consequently starts you over from start of whatever floor you're at. There isn't really anything more to collect than the staffs in the game however, I do remember there being some puzzles to which the staff were needed such as lighting up torches with the fire staff to open doors. At the final floor you must fight a boss which is a dragon I don't remember how you were supposed to battle it though.

Time: The flow of time was pretty realistic as you could go at your own paste.

Extra stuff if it helps: I think I remember in the beginning scene of the game the dragon is the reason you crashed as it shot a fireball it you. In sneak mode the character ran to the back of where ever he was inside and put his back to it while also being enveloped in some shade and would move around like that until you decided to come out of stealth. You used the arrows keys to moved around and I think you used space to go into stealth mode. This was a flash game. I could be wrong about it being a castle and its actually a tower I can't remember sorry :shifty: :shame:

Sorry for bad grammar :blah:
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Game about sneaking into castle

Post by Cappuccinerd »

YES. :o I remember playing this game when I was little, too. I remember you would have to go into sneak mode and the little circular character would tip-toe against the wall, with an accompanying "tip-toe" sound effect. The narrator would sometimes cut into the music with snippets of dialogue. I specifically remember the narrator saying something along the lines of "Os_____: a peculiar type of game" or something of the like. I'm pretty sure the title was the character's name and it started with an "Os" or "Oz."
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Game about sneaking into castle

Post by Rwolf »

The character description reminds me of Rayman, he has disconnected limbs, but I don't know if he fits otherwise?
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Game about sneaking into castle

Post by Rwolf »

Yes, looking at 'Wink:The game' it seems to tick all boxes; only it's a browser/flash game(found on e.g. newgrounds), but this is probably it.
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