Hi I'm looking for title of a game i used to play long time ago here is what I can remember
Game was in early 3D but it wasn't half life Level graphics, I can tell it was from 90s and I played it on old pc with huge monitor, graphics and enviroment looked like castle from Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi, but it was set underground like Ultima underworld for example, I can tell it was set in world of dark fantasy,
Main character was a man with long black hair and game itself began with escape from cell somewhere underground, gameplay was typical dungeon crawler, we collected loot and obtain new stuff from Quest we could complete for side character met along the way
Most memorable however was mechanic of using magic spells, to get new spell we had to get a stone with rune on it, to use particular spell we had to draw rune on the screen with mouse, I think we could also combone these Stones to create new runes
And thats all I can remember, I hope someone will know which game I'm talking about, im waiting for any clues or hints