A game with very cheesy name. Graphics were really great, windows 95-98 times. ~2000s. The game started with Fujitsu splash screen. (can be toshiba too:(
Another platformer where this blob walks around circuits punching viruses and other circuits. Was very circular game, can even be considered a kids game with colorful graphics and characters. The main character was a blob looking matter who generated punches.
Side note: A friend gets a Fujitsu Siemens desktop. This game came with it. I borrowed the game from that friend. Not sure if the splash screen was fujitsu due to that fact or fujitsu actually developed the game.
Thank you for reading.
Windows Platform Punching blob against circuits/virusses
Windows Platform Punching blob against circuits/virusses
Possible names are power up, chip. The main character looked something like captain tomaday.
Windows Platform Punching blob against circuits/virusses
A possible game group to search in: