I have cloudy memories of a game i used to play at school during lunchbreaks.
The gameplay was platformer with some shooter mechanics thrown in, it might gave been a gun, but it was at least a weapon of some kind.
As far as i remember you play as a Squirrel wearing a headband.
I'm fairly sure you also had the option to play as different characters.
All i remember is some sort of cutscene, and then the beginning of the first level.
The level was a forest level, where you would jump from treebranch to treebranch clearing the stage of enemies.
Now, i know what you're thinking, but i'm certain that it isnt Jazz Jackrabbit nor is it Zero the kamikaze squirrel, since i played this on a PC back in the day. Also the version i played, might have been a shareware one. Hence me only remembering the first level....
Hope you guys might be able to help me out