DOS games IRC is back!

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Post by Larry Laffer »

wardrich wrote:
coldie wrote:soo umm i got FF, Im just wondering now what to do, i wanna use IRC, but i dont wanna have soo many open windows, cause it lags my comp, since im on dial up... anyone got any ideas, Oh and i wanna be able to open more then one server at a time.

Having never used the chatzilla plugin, I'm not sure if it has the ability to connect to multiple servers simultaneously. I know you can do that with x-chat, though.
I've used it, you can be on more than one server at a time.

So, coldie, how to get started: go to, install the plugin, restart Firefox... then eh, if I recall correctly, you had to go to the Tools menu, and start ChatZilla... OR, simply click on an irc:// link! :P
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by coldie »

no one is ever on.. it is #DOSgames right? in p2p server?
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Post by emmzee »

Well I'm in there right now so if you don't see me you're in the wrong place :)
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Post by Pancake »

#DOSgames on, yeah. If not that many people are on at a given time, then just idle for a while. The more people that idle, the more people there'll be, and the more conversation their will be. People like The_Sinister_Mastermind, Gamer_V, and myself are there a lot, as well as people from other channels throughout P2P-Network.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

Riiight! Odd how nobody chats whenever I'm around! :rolleyes:
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by coldie »

im in #DOSgames, and no one is there, and no one is ever there.....
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Post by Larry Laffer »

That means you're in the wrong place, usually people are on(by people I mean The_Sinister_Mastermind, and several bots), so if you've got an empty channel you're not on the right server. Did you click directly on the [url=irc://]link[/url]?
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by coldie »

no i didnt, im on trillian, going into the channel.. this works for my other channels!

and that link dont work

it says invalid syntax? or however it spells it, lol
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Post by The_Sinister_Mastermind »

Someone could have told me you needed help with this.

Yes if you're in there all alone, you are definitely in the wrong place, I never turn off my PC and being on broadband, I leave my IRC client open and connected. The only time I’m not at least idling in there is if something unexpected happens. Even if that were the case the channel is registered so any time a user joins if the channel is at that point in time empty a service bot will also join.

As for clients, I don't recommend ChatZilla, I just find it to be a bad client, though that’s only my personal opinion. KVIrc would be your best bet, it's a visual client. This means that it doesn’t have the scripting capabilities of say something like mIRC (Though for your average user this isn’t an issue), but it’s much more aesthetically pleasing.

As far as Trillian goes, I can’t help sorry, when I tried it out long ago either MSN would work and nothing else or everything would work and not MSN, so I ditched it. I might talk to one of the service admins for the network about setting up a java applet for the site, that way you won’t have to worry about an individual client.

If you’re having problems try as the server address, channel is #DOSgames I will say yeah it’s not the most active place in the world, but it can be fun if people put in a little effort. As Pancake said the more people that come there the higher the chances are for chat. And if no one else is online while you’re there, you can always play trivia with DOSBot. :)
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Please don’t PM me every time you can’t find a game, I really don’t have time to logon to the site that often let alone be your personal assistant.
Just use the “Finding Old Games” subforum like everyone else.</center>
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Post by wardrich »

The best IRC client I've ever found is <a href="">X-Chat 2</a>. It's basically the standard x-chat for linux, only it's for windows... and it's free... the official xchat client for windows is a trial, but the source is open, so x-chat 2 is just a recompiled version of x-chat for windows with a few other tweaks added in.
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Post by tak »

Just wanted to say your chat works in pidgin but link doesn't work when clicked.
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Post by wardrich »

tak wrote:Just wanted to say your chat works in pidgin but link doesn't work when clicked.
Pidgin probably isn't your best choice for an IRC client. Does it usually work with IRC links?
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Post by Gew »

Has it all gone down the drain? :blah:

Code: Select all

15&#58;28&#58;36 -!- Irssi&#58; #dosgames&#58; Total of 1 nicks &#91;1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0
15&#58;28&#58;36 -!- Channel #dosgames created Wed Jul 10 15&#58;28&#58;36 2019
15&#58;28&#58;38 -!- Irssi&#58; Join to #dosgames was synced in 2 secs

I mean, C'mon, I'm not supposed to be the only user in the channel!
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Post by Wally »

Well yeah the server is from 10 years ago...
We have a discord now :)
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