Game where girl ventures into a mansion to find her father

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Game where girl ventures into a mansion to find her father

Post by Jinx435 »

There's a video game, on the computer if I'm correct, about a child and her (I cannot remember what the kid's gender is, but I'm pretty sure it's a girl) father. And I'm sorry, but I only remember details about it, and most of them are spoilers, so I'm sorry if you know the game and I spoil it for you.
The two are on the road when the car breaks down, and they go into this creepy mansion. The father goes first, but the child gets worried afterwards, and goes in after him. She is accompanied by a small toy, that she can hear speak, and if I'm not mistaken, the toy is quite mean. Later on in the game, the girl finds she's been followed by a man who can turn invisible, then she confronts a woman and uses her fear against the woman, and gets away, only to be knocked out by the man who can turn invisible. This is all I remember from the game, but I'd really appreciate it if somebody could help me, give me a name of sorts, or at least let me know that you know about it too. Thank you.
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Post by Rwolf »

Can you estimate what year you played the game?
It seems like some scary horror-game, was it in 2D or 3D?
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Game where girl ventures into a mansion to find her father

Post by Sapphire95 »

Silent Hill
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