Cheezits and Rice!hehe
Well you're all wondering what's the difference in the latest above link?
Well I made it by the grace of God Cheezits and Rice. hehe
All kiddings aside, the previous one you could mess up the floors.
Also you could fall from the elevator because the detection of is unstable.
In this one the graphics routines have been updated dramatically.
It is able to plot on any background.
For instance if you want the Lode Runner game to be on summer setting,etc
If you want to load your own background you could also do so.
Just change the bitmaps.
Please make sure it is 256 color bmp format.
So instead of my own family you could put your pet, family, and such#!!
You could even change the Lode Runner background.
For instance you want to use your teddy bear, car, bf, gf, you can.
The password is LORD in all capital letters.
The controls are WASD and F in all lower case letters.
Q will quit the game early.
You have 3 lives.
It doesn't show 3, but when you get hit by an obstacle it shows 2, 1, 0.
Once it reaches zero the game ends.
If you are able to jump over all obstacles and reach the time portal, jump!
Once in the time portal you travel through time.
It is planned that you travel to many different time periods.
Bless God, then my real mom Huong Thi Vu#!!
Honours to my real dad Nguyen Binh Thuy.
Honours to my real mom Huong Thi Vu.