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Post by tienkhoanguyen »


Okay, kiddies. Here we go with another day in the dorm room calculating pi hehe

You would never think you would have to use algebra again when you leave school. Welp, here is proof that you do at least me anyways hehe

In this version of the circle reveals, it reveals by an angle at 1 degree at a time.

Then when you press the key again it reverses the process and disappears.

You can do this many times to see it proven for yourself school is important. ... velate.rar

If you don't go to school at least study at home. These days the internet hold all the information you need. You could be a master at anything these days just by looking it up online and practicing like me. hehe

Thanks to my real father Nguyen Binh Thuy for making me study all those years and beyond#!!

Thanks to my real mom Huong Thi Vu for always making me realize how simple my calculations are compared to 3D rendering. hehe

Bless my real mom Huong Thi Vu for encouraging me to keep at it and one day I can be cool like the rest of the gang hehe

Bless Jesus that I am not that good at anything, but at least I am program fun things in my leisure that I can do at my skill levels. hehe

Last and most important, thank you God for all the kind and loving people who just puts up with me!!!!!
God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe
Cheezits and Rice!hehe
Bless Cheezits and Rice!
Then please bless my mom.
Honour to my mom Huong Thi Vu
Honour to my dad Thuy Binh Nguyen
Love to cousin Carl Anh Cuong Cao Vu
Thank you Cheezits and Rice.
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God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe

Post by tienkhoanguyen »

Cheezits and Rice!hehe

Here in this edition I have made a robot within a circle. It rotations the robot 360 degrees. There might be some glitches. However it should mostly work.

These days graphics are easy through flipping screens.

However, I decided to use a harder approach and calculate the graphics.

I have done something similar before.

This time the difference is that the area that it turns is bigger.

MS-DOS running at 4.77 MHz is extremely slow compared to modern computers.

Therefore, I have adjusted the images to be pixelated.

This increases the speed enough so that it is noticeable.

I hope you enjoy the robot in a bubble DEMO here. hehe ... tation.rar

Once again, this DEMO is NOT to compete with any other products. I am merely practicing the algebra and logic skills that I have acquired from College. People do not realize what a gift it is to have an education. I know what it means to be poor. I once had to eat out of the trash. However the store people was nice enough to put the foods in a trash bag that IS clean and fresh. They could not give me clean foods because it would have been against store policy and they would have gotten fired. However what they could not sell they put it in a clean brand new trash bag that was just opened for me. That way they circumvented the store policy AND kept their jobs while saving someone's lives.

So please, I ask you never to drop out if you could try that it would help your life
God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe
Cheezits and Rice!hehe
Bless Cheezits and Rice!
Then please bless my mom.
Honour to my mom Huong Thi Vu
Honour to my dad Thuy Binh Nguyen
Love to cousin Carl Anh Cuong Cao Vu
Thank you Cheezits and Rice.
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