Fort Boyard ..... [Solved]
Fort Boyard ..... [Solved]
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone had the same issue and have solved it.
I have a game I was playing in DOSbox, however I am at a point the game keeps crashing when (mainly on DOS4GW program, it makes an invalid read/write to the memory and crashes).
I have done several things, modifying the config files of DOSbox (as I found on google) mainly the CPU cycles and cpu type, without results.
Also I have used different memory extender DOS4GW 2.01a, DOS4G, DOS32A all does the same, and with DOS32A it even shows corrupted colourscheme.
So I decided to use a different approach, before I am installing my P3 733 Mhz machine with windows 95/98.
I'm trying to use VM's first, however VMWare lacks support on the dos area and is not emulating the right video card (making the game quit right away) and with Virtual PC, everything works great! except the CDROM.
I have created ISO's from the game disks as my gaming rig doesnot have CDrom player as I use steam and other platforms to buy games and download them directly, and it is on most VM's and emulator faster then normal cdrom players, and that's where my problem lies.
In Virtual PC 2007, the CDROM emulation seems to be VERY slow, any idea's what this could be?
I was wondering if anyone had the same issue and have solved it.
I have a game I was playing in DOSbox, however I am at a point the game keeps crashing when (mainly on DOS4GW program, it makes an invalid read/write to the memory and crashes).
I have done several things, modifying the config files of DOSbox (as I found on google) mainly the CPU cycles and cpu type, without results.
Also I have used different memory extender DOS4GW 2.01a, DOS4G, DOS32A all does the same, and with DOS32A it even shows corrupted colourscheme.
So I decided to use a different approach, before I am installing my P3 733 Mhz machine with windows 95/98.
I'm trying to use VM's first, however VMWare lacks support on the dos area and is not emulating the right video card (making the game quit right away) and with Virtual PC, everything works great! except the CDROM.
I have created ISO's from the game disks as my gaming rig doesnot have CDrom player as I use steam and other platforms to buy games and download them directly, and it is on most VM's and emulator faster then normal cdrom players, and that's where my problem lies.
In Virtual PC 2007, the CDROM emulation seems to be VERY slow, any idea's what this could be?
Last edited by Identz on Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
Some questions, you're talking about dosbox, W95/98, so:
-> What's the guest OS in VPC?
-> What CD drivers do you use in VPC?
In my experience VPC isn't slow on CD emulation, pretty fast even ..... you don't have the ISOs on USB key by any chance?
What soft did you use to create the ISOs?
-> What's the guest OS in VPC?
-> What CD drivers do you use in VPC?
In my experience VPC isn't slow on CD emulation, pretty fast even ..... you don't have the ISOs on USB key by any chance?
"A game" ? What game?Identz wrote:I have a game
What soft did you use to create the ISOs?
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
-> Some questions, you're talking about dosbox, W95/98, so:
-> What's the guest OS in VPC?
I actually have 3 versions running, one with Windows 95 one with Windows 98 and one with DOS 6.22.
The game used to run under windows 98 but I've tried older to rule everything out.
But all 3 did the same it was very slow with copying over the files in the setup (while VMware and dosbox it was done in a cough, literally.)
And in game it is freezing alot.
-> What CD drivers do you use in VPC?
I used the old OAKCDROM.SYS driver in DOS and in windows 95/98 I see it is just telling me MS as cdrom drive.
-> "A game" ? What game?
It's a dutch/french game, called Fort Boyard: La légende/De Legende
They did not release it in other languages.
->What soft did you use to create the ISOs?
CDBurnerXP, I also made a big iso with all 3 discs in it to prevent too much swapping this is done with Free ISO Creator.
But both do act the same, even with original disks mounted.
As in DOSBox a different problem occurs:
This problem occurs only in the middle of the game at a certain step, if I take that step, it crashes, but I can navigate to other places etc.
As VPC it currently too slow to even try.
It could be the host computer is too strong with DOSBox, although I very doubt that, I almost think it would be that one the disk is broken, but it seem to happen on all 3 disks.
-> Some questions, you're talking about dosbox, W95/98, so:
-> What's the guest OS in VPC?
I actually have 3 versions running, one with Windows 95 one with Windows 98 and one with DOS 6.22.
The game used to run under windows 98 but I've tried older to rule everything out.
But all 3 did the same it was very slow with copying over the files in the setup (while VMware and dosbox it was done in a cough, literally.)
And in game it is freezing alot.
-> What CD drivers do you use in VPC?
I used the old OAKCDROM.SYS driver in DOS and in windows 95/98 I see it is just telling me MS as cdrom drive.
-> "A game" ? What game?
It's a dutch/french game, called Fort Boyard: La légende/De Legende
They did not release it in other languages.
->What soft did you use to create the ISOs?
CDBurnerXP, I also made a big iso with all 3 discs in it to prevent too much swapping this is done with Free ISO Creator.
But both do act the same, even with original disks mounted.
As in DOSBox a different problem occurs:
This problem occurs only in the middle of the game at a certain step, if I take that step, it crashes, but I can navigate to other places etc.
As VPC it currently too slow to even try.
It could be the host computer is too strong with DOSBox, although I very doubt that, I almost think it would be that one the disk is broken, but it seem to happen on all 3 disks.
CD drivers should be OK for W98, but for MsDos I would advise the CDrivers, mouse driver and SB from VPC2004 (VMADDITION for MsDos, not included in VPC2007, shame!) , they work fine in VPC2007 with MsDos and are have 'lighter' footprint on guest OS (MsDos)Identz wrote:-> What's the guest OS in VPC?
I actually have 3 versions running, one with Windows 95 one with Windows 98 and one with DOS 6.22.
The game used to run under windows 98 but I've tried older to rule everything out.
But all 3 did the same it was very slow with copying over the files in the setup (while VMware and dosbox it was done in a cough, literally.)
And in game it is freezing alot.
-> What CD drivers do you use in VPC?
I used the old OAKCDROM.SYS driver in DOS and in windows 95/98 I see it is just telling me MS as cdrom drive.
Also it's an ATAPI CD driver, faster then OAKCROM
Ah, know that one, 3 CD game, played it long time ago on my P2/666MHz .... and some years ago again through dosbox, (don't really know why, must been bored to death, it isn't such good game ..... just saying) didn't had any problems in dosbox, think it was dosbox 0.72 (not sure). It's also listed as 'fully supported" on 0.74 @ Vogons.Identz wrote: -> "A game" ? What game?
It's a dutch/french game, called Fort Boyard: La légende/De Legende
PC too strong for game/dosbox? Naaaa, don't think so, Fort Boyart is pretty heavy with a lot of videos/animations.Identz wrote:It could be the host computer is too strong with DOSBox, although I very doubt that, I almost think it would be that one the disk is broken, but it seem to happen on all 3 disks.
It's possible one of your CDs got corrupted, leaving you with a borked installation of the game, but you can find the 3 CD ISOs @ LTF France.
They even have a pre-installed game/dosbox up for download.
Should you decide to down the 3 CDs: delete old install and start from scratch I would say, needless to continue with maybe(?) borked install files.
[Edit]Should you want the MsDos additions from VPC2004 here's a how to get them: ... -2007.aspx
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
I doubt they have the dutch version
, anyway Thanks for the help, going to try with the dos additions
Otherwise I still have a P3/733mhz here but currently I'm going to check some of my older drives I had laying around to see if I can find anything that is from an old game I'm still looking for.
Maybe it is installed on one of those drives.
Even I have burned allot of computers in my life, harddisks are the onlything I keep, and some later computers. (The P3/733mhz is the oldest I have laying around eating dust).
Wish I still had my 120Mhz Cyrix machine. Even if it was no pentium, it was a good machine for windows 95.

Otherwise I still have a P3/733mhz here but currently I'm going to check some of my older drives I had laying around to see if I can find anything that is from an old game I'm still looking for.
Maybe it is installed on one of those drives.
Even I have burned allot of computers in my life, harddisks are the onlything I keep, and some later computers. (The P3/733mhz is the oldest I have laying around eating dust).
Wish I still had my 120Mhz Cyrix machine. Even if it was no pentium, it was a good machine for windows 95.
Meheh, old PCs gathering dust in a corner .... I know something about that ....
BTW, just thought about it, the VPC2004 MsDos addition floppy image:
Have it, and it's no prob sharing it as VPC2004 is freeware nowadays......
And yep, LTF will be French vers only. Think you have a pretty rare CD set , doubt they've sold many Dutch versions.....
Now you make me wonder if there is a glitch in the Dutch version of the game .....;

BTW, just thought about it, the VPC2004 MsDos addition floppy image:
Have it, and it's no prob sharing it as VPC2004 is freeware nowadays......
And yep, LTF will be French vers only. Think you have a pretty rare CD set , doubt they've sold many Dutch versions.....
Now you make me wonder if there is a glitch in the Dutch version of the game .....;
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
I already stubled on a problem, it does put question marks about how did the game be able to install in the vm.
OAK driver seems to fail on the virtual cdrom drive, as I was able to list it's content but copying from the cd seems to fail (File not found while it is there!...)
At the other hand, took my fastest computer with IDE support since running antiX is still slow as hell, now at least I can run ubuntu to see what I've gathered on all these disks.. Wel... if the computer did not die yet.
Need to figure out why I do not get screen on that one heheh, at least got enough components for these system, except for a motherboard :>
[EDIT:] weird, needed to bend the motherboard somebit ... now lets bring myself some history back hehehe
[EDIT2] Unfortunately That did not help
game still acts slow then real hardware and see from there.
I already stubled on a problem, it does put question marks about how did the game be able to install in the vm.
OAK driver seems to fail on the virtual cdrom drive, as I was able to list it's content but copying from the cd seems to fail (File not found while it is there!...)
At the other hand, took my fastest computer with IDE support since running antiX is still slow as hell, now at least I can run ubuntu to see what I've gathered on all these disks.. Wel... if the computer did not die yet.
Need to figure out why I do not get screen on that one heheh, at least got enough components for these system, except for a motherboard :>
[EDIT:] weird, needed to bend the motherboard somebit ... now lets bring myself some history back hehehe

[EDIT2] Unfortunately That did not help

Seems you need to check the soldering points, must be some bad contacts ...... usually a shitty work to do this.Identz wrote: [EDIT:] weird, needed to bend the motherboard somebit ... now lets bring myself some history back hehehe
Weird, French vers runs pretty smoothly in dosbox 0.74, -(installed on USB3 ext HD, short testrun, won't go through that whole game again)- tested on a single core PC (3.2GHz-XP) , dual core 2.5 GHz-W7 ànd quad core 2.4GHz-W7.Identz wrote: [EDIT2] Unfortunately That did not helpgame still acts slow then real hardware and see from there.
Same on UBU 12.10 (Quad core).
Not tested on old P2/666MHz/MsDos, to lazy to get that stuff up and running again just for one game. But I remember it ran swell on it.
Dutch vers seems also to run fine according to this youtube clip:
They used dosbox to record clip .....
Makes me wonder what's going on with yours.
Just did some testrun in Dosbox SVN:

Seems to run even smoother than in the default dosbox 0.74.
Maybe you could try it?
You can get the SVN@
Runs fine alongside the default dosbox 0.74. ( just use an own folder to install it)
Another question:
On your system, did you ever ran a more demanding dosgame? Something as Doom, Quake or Tombraider?
Edited topic title ......
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
.... c:\legende\sons\ ....???
Crash occurs in "sound" sub.
Doesn't look good, I suspect there is a corrupt file (probably?).
One thing you could try is use ImgBurn to create new ISOs from your CDs.
Whilst I've heard good things about CDBurnerXP I don't use that prog, don't know how good the data check works, whilst I know for a fact that ImgBurn does a fairly good check.
Freeware and you can get it @
As usual, careful when installing or you'll get some extra toolbars in your innet browser, ads pay the stuff ....
If corrupt file, say shit, as your ip points to the Netherlands, I'll suppose the French option won't be one for you, contrary to us Flemish the Dutch peeps usually don't understand much French ....
Crash occurs in "sound" sub.
Doesn't look good, I suspect there is a corrupt file (probably?).
One thing you could try is use ImgBurn to create new ISOs from your CDs.
Whilst I've heard good things about CDBurnerXP I don't use that prog, don't know how good the data check works, whilst I know for a fact that ImgBurn does a fairly good check.
Freeware and you can get it @
As usual, careful when installing or you'll get some extra toolbars in your innet browser, ads pay the stuff ....
If corrupt file, say shit, as your ip points to the Netherlands, I'll suppose the French option won't be one for you, contrary to us Flemish the Dutch peeps usually don't understand much French ....
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
That seems to solve the problem, it's that I have to work but I'm going to do some md5 checks on both iso and the files that's located on the disks.
Not that it have use now, since the iso's with Imgburn seems to work, but more for future references.
I'm going to recreate disc iso later aswell with burnerxp, as it is possible the disc was not read correctly.
Basically need to know if this was due to hardware or software, since I never had any problems with burnerXP before.
Thanks for the help!
Not that it have use now, since the iso's with Imgburn seems to work, but more for future references.
I'm going to recreate disc iso later aswell with burnerxp, as it is possible the disc was not read correctly.
Basically need to know if this was due to hardware or software, since I never had any problems with burnerXP before.
Thanks for the help!