So uhh.. what happened here? Why all the silence?

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So uhh.. what happened here? Why all the silence?

Post by Wally »

Where is everyone?? Did they all abandon this place? Busy? Have a life? Getting too much sexual satisfaction?

Well I hope you're all alive and well :)
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Post by Gamer_V »

<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding="1" border="0"><TR><TD width="50%">
robhofen wrote:no warcraft is a rip off of age of empires and so are a lot of other games
</TD><TD width="50%">
Larry Laffer wrote:Your people are n00bs :laugh:
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Post by Wally »

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Re: So uhh.. what happened here? Why all the silence?

Post by dosraider »

Wally wrote:Getting too much sexual satisfaction?
We can dream ...........
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Re: So uhh.. what happened here? Why all the silence?

Post by Wally »

dosraider wrote:
Wally wrote:Getting too much sexual satisfaction?
We can dream ...........
I'm sure it'll be reality one day dosraider :)
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Post by Larry Laffer »

I'm well. Not alive. But well!

For a zombie, at least.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Cmaza »

Well, I'm stuck in the middle of Cambodia at the moment (and yet, by hijacking a random open and unsecured Wi-Fi I found in Siem Reap via my mobile phone and logging in to check the forums via my mobile phone, am still able to post), but I'm not sure what everyone else's excuse is. Loving it here by the way! :-)
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Post by GAMER »

I have no excuse.
I have no life to speak of, yet still manage to have absolutely no time for anything.
Go figure.

<img src=" ... rs_Sig.jpg">

i have a chik magnet...observe!

<MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="slide"><font color="crimson">
[MAGNET]-------------------- :cuccoan: </marquee>
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

I'm on Facebook mostly.
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Post by Wally »

GAMER wrote:I have no excuse.
I have no life to speak of, yet still manage to have absolutely no time for anything.
Go figure.

Ha! I'm sure you have a life but you just don't realise it!

@Steve Yeah I know that :P
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Post by 486 player »

I've nothing to post or dr was first.
NO Windows, NO DOSBox, DOS!
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Post by emmzee »

GAMER wrote:I have no excuse.
I have no life to speak of, yet still manage to have absolutely no time for anything.
Go figure.


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Post by Dogbreath »

I dunno, back in the day, I used to be able to spend 4 or 5 hours a day playing a single DOS game. And that'd be all I'd do, I wouldn't play it and check Facebook every half hour, or switch out with a movie or a fanfic, or anything. My entire attention would be dedicated to that game.

Then I'd come on here and talk about it, and get really excited and start other threads here.

For the past 2 years or so I simply haven't had the focus to keep going. It's still my intent to one day have played every major DOS game ever made. But I don't even have the time to start right now, and I'm always being distracted or doing something else when I do have time off. I can't just retreat into my dungeon and, say, play Pools of Darkness for 20 hours straight anymore.

I still remember glorious summer vacations wasted playing Baldur's Gate or Master of Orion or Alien Legacy... sadly, that life is no longer for me. It takes a pretty special game to get me interested enough to play seriously - Dragon Age was the last game to do so, and that was almost a year ago.

As far as the community aspect, though, I still keep in contact with most of you. I hung out with Thunderdog every day for like 3 months, and we went to a Rammstein concert together back in May. The Gods themselves have endeavored to delay my inevitable meeting with Gamer (going so far as to BREAK A SHIP that I was on en route to Oz), but one day soon we shall meet and <strike>bring about the Twilight of the Gods and usher in a new age of darkness</strike> have tea and scones and engage in pleasant conversation.

I still come here a few times a week and try to post whenever I can. I'll start thinking up some new topics to start to revive discussion, but I'm pretty comfortable now with the idea that DGF as a community forum has ended - all of us who were teenagers here and grew up together (Gamer, TD, Sasha, Wally, Wardrich, JTA, Da_Goat, TSM, Bobo, Ro@m, Larry...) have moved on to college and careers, there's not much left here, we haven't had any long term new members for several years.

It's fascinating and humbling to look back at all the posts I've made in the 9 years and 4 days since this specific forum started and see how much I've grown and changed as a person. I used to be such a self absorbed prick, and my decisions and ideas about leadership were pretty terrible. Why do we have 43 moderators and administrators? Why did I create 37 million subforums (of which like 85% are never used) when 3 or 4 would've done fine? Look at all the times I abused whatever power I had or banned people for nonsensical reasons or proclaimed some overwritten rubbish I just thought up like it was some philosophical axiom instead of a pile of horseshit. Look at what a terrible writer I am.

And yet, this forum has been like a refuge for me since I was 13 years old. In all my travels, it's the one place I've been able to go and feel at home.
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Post by Larry Laffer »

This is one of the main reasons I post less often here nowadays(the other being lack of time and all that):

It's awesomely written posts like, in this thread, Dogbreath's that somehow manage to perfectly describe what I feel or what I would like to say. And in cases like that, I feel there's no point in just quoting said post and going "Pretty much, that.". As such, I sorta resigned to doing janitorial forum work in favour of letting the more awesome members of the community help people coming here for support.

It's true that I kind of regret the way we all grew up and no longer interact as often as we did before(to an extent, also because I, sadly, hardly stayed in touch with other members outside of this forum due to the different time zones we all managed to live in), but it's the same kind of regret I feel about growing up and no longer being a kid with infinite free time able to play(and be a prick) to his heart's content.

There's also the bit where I realized I was terribly terrible at expressing myself properly trough writing as these bloody words keep refusing to aptly describe my thoughts. Oh, and I suck at ending posts properly.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Thunderdog »

I hate you all. Just sayin'.

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Post by dosraider »

Thunderdog wrote:I hate you all.
The feeling is mutual.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
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Post by Wally »

dosraider wrote:
Thunderdog wrote:I hate you all.
The feeling is mutual.
I love you too Thunderdog :)
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Dogbreath wrote: And yet, this forum has been like a refuge for me since I was 13 years old. In all my travels, it's the one place I've been able to go and feel at home.
Where everybody knows your naaaaame... dun dun dun dunnnn... and we're always glad you caaaaaame dun dun dun dunnnnn :)
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Post by Dogbreath »

And your Santhosh wants to be a girl...
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Post by Santhosh CHRiS »

Dogbreath wrote:And your Santhosh wants to be a girl...
What makes you so sure I aren't one already. Ya never know on the internet do ya ;)
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