Search found 2 matches

by dillydallyally
Sun May 05, 2019 12:46 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: Early 2000/late 90's 2D town building game
Replies: 3
Views: 4772

I used to go to the library as a kid and their PC's had an old game where you could build a single town. I hope you do realise that there is no way to infer from this the time of the described events (and hence, the time when this game might have been released). Please provide helpful information ....
by dillydallyally
Fri May 03, 2019 11:03 pm
Forum: Find Old Games
Topic: Early 2000/late 90's 2D town building game
Replies: 3
Views: 4772

Early 2000/late 90's 2D town building game

I used to go to the library as a kid and their PC's had an old game where you could build a single town. It's a 2D game with limited rotation (or maybe none at all). I've looked everywhere but i've never found it. It's not as good as any of the simcity games or anything like that. There were no skys...